
This program is designed for men and women who wish to become Catholic. The Catechumens, that is, adults who have never been baptized in any Christian religion and the Candidates, that is, baptized non-Catholics, make up the membership of this group. Classes are held on a regularly scheduled basis. The instructor is our Deacon, Paul Levesque, who works to formulate the curriculum and liturgical celebrations. The Catechumens are baptized and the candidates received into the church, and both groups are confirmed at the Easter Vigil Mass each year. Information for prospective members can be obtained by contacting the Parish Office. The same program for children is also available.

To learn more about becoming a Catholic, visit Becoming a Catholic.


What is RCIA?

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation) is the normal way that adults become full, active, participating members of the Catholic Church.  

What are RCIA meetings like?

Participants gather to learn about the faith, pray, and participate in the rites leading to baptism at the Easter Vigil. 

When/how long do we meet?

Weekly Sunday meetings begin around late September and end the Sunday before Pentecost (May or June). Exact dates will vary depending on the Church calendar.

Who can join RCIA?

Any adult or child over seven years of age who is either:

  • Unbaptized (no religious background)

  • Baptized in a Catholic or other Christian faith, but did not receive formal education in the Catholic Faith, nor the Sacraments of the Eucharist or Confirmation.

  • Baptized or not and raised in another Christian faith but interested in learning about the Catholic faith

What is a 'Sponsor'?

Each participant is given their own 'sponsor' who will support you with their prayers and accompany you on much or your journey. You don't have to make the journey alone!

Know that you want to become Catholic?
Just exploring Catholicism?

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation) is the normal way that adults become full, active, participating members of the Catholic Church.  

There are 4 distinct periods:

The 1st is the Period of Inquiry.  This is a time to investigate to see if you would like to become Catholic during which there is no commitment to joining the Church. It is a time to investigate, ask questions, and discover if one wants to become Catholic.

The 2nd is the Period of Catechumenate which begins with a special ceremony called the Rite of Acceptance.  At this point in the journey, you have become firm in your desire to continue and you will begin formal study of the teachings and practices of the Catholic Church.

The 3rd is the Rite of Election & the Period of Purification and Enlightenment which begins the First Sunday of Lent. The Rite of Election marks the Church's formal affirmation of your readiness for the sacremtn of Christian initiation. You now enter the Period of Enlightenment and Purification during Lent and it is a time of intense prayer as you prepare to receive the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil.

The 4th is Initiation and Mystagogia On Holy Saturday the Church assembles for the Easter Vigil where you will be baptized (if not already), Confirmed, and receive Holy Communion. Mystagogia is the time between Easter and Pentecost-it is a time to reflect on the unfolding of the power of the Sacraments in your life.

Questions? Contact DEACON PAUL.