The Anointing of the Sick, like the Sacrament of Reconciliation, is one of the Sacraments of healing. This Sacrament can be administered to any parishioner who finds themselves in declining health due to age, serious illness, accident, a chronic health condition or facing surgery for any reason.

The Church, following Christ's example, has always had a special concern for the sick. In Jas. 5:14-15, the Apostle James teaches that if there is someone sick among you, a priest should be called to anoint that person in the name of the Lord.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church (#1514-1515) teaches that this sacrament is not only for those at the point of death, but for anyone seriously ill or facing serious surgery. In fact, it is preferred that parishioners entering the hospital for surgery should ask the priest for this sacrament before being admitted. Parishioners should never wait until the last minute to call the rectory on behalf of a loved one. We encourage parishioners facing surgery to let the parish priest know of their condition before entering the hospital so that they can be anointed before admission.

In cases of emergency, when a loved one is rushed to the hospital unexpectedly, ask the emergency room personnel to call the Catholic Chaplain on call to give your family member any needed sacraments. Both St. Anne's Hospital and Charlton Memorial Hospital have Catholic Chaplains on call 24 hours a day.